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Anchor 1

This innovative, interdisciplinary minor adds to the breadth of a liberal arts education by combining scriptwriting and production skill sets alongside the sophisticated analysis of filmic texts using film theory and criticism. You will be encouraged to select courses based on your intellectual and professional interests that fall within the Department of Literature, Journalism, Writing, and Languages and the Department of Communication Studies. (17-20 UNITS)


  • Core Courses: COM 2043, COM 3000, ENG 2000

  • Elective Courses: Choose nine (9) elective units taken from three (3) separate disciplines.

    • Communication: COM 4020, COM 4042, COM 4043, COM 4090

    • History: HIS 3068, HIS 4090

    • LJWL: ENG 3051, ENG 4090, SPA 3080, SPA 4090

    • Theology / Christian Ministry: PHL 3080


*Note: COM 1075 is recommended but cannot be substituted for required or electives courses for this minor.

Anchor 2

Multiple language fluency will prepare you to participate effectively in a multilingual global society. A minor in French is offered to those who wish to complement study in another discipline. Coursework can only approximate a bilingual setting and does not necessarily guarantee appropriate language proficiency. Therefore, students are encouraged to immerse themselves in the target language and complete more than the minimum number of language classes. (26 UNITS)


  • Lower Division: FRE 1001, FRE 1002, FRE 2050, FRE 2051

  • Upper Division*: FRE 3003, FRE 3015, FRE 3020, FRE 3025

  • Exit Interview: Minors must undergo a complete summative evaluation of language skills by way of an exit interview.

​*Note: Students must successfully complete at least nine (9) upper-division units in residence. 

Anchor 3

Pursuing a minor in literature will allow you to blend your passion for great stories with desire for meaningful work. With interests as varied as the literature of Medieval Europe and contemporary popular culture, PLNU literature professors are active scholars who have published and presented scholarship on topics such as Shakespeare, Milton, Taiwanese cinema, post-colonial theory, Emily Bronte, Mary Wollstonecraft, Bram Stoker, the intersection between feminist thought and Christian theology and practice, Flannery O’Connor, and the graphic novels Watchmen and Marvel’s Civil War(17 UNITS)


  • Lower Division: ENG 2000, ENG 3000

  • Upper Division: 

    • ENG 4060: Medieval and Early Modern Drama and Poetry

    • One (1) of the following FE courses: ENG 3050, ENG 3051, ENG 3052, ENG 3053

    • Two (2) additional non-FE upper-division literature courses​

Anchor 4

A minor in Multimedia Journalism will provide the opportunity to add marketability to your current studies.  Learn how to gather information from reliable sources, organize information in a skillful manner, and communicate that information in a compelling way that uses several media platforms. Whether you're studying the sciences, psychology, music, art, literature, theology, etc., this minor will train you to communicate ideas from those fields in a manner that is clear and concise, for a specific kind of audience. (19 UNITS)



  • Core Courses: COM 2043, JRN 2015, JRN 2050, JRN 3012/3013 (offered together), JRN 3040

  • One (1) of the following: JRN 3014, JRN 3050, JRN 4030

  • One (1) of the following: JRN 3010, JRN 3045, JRN 4040

Anchor 5

Do you love communicating with others, bringing valuable and helpful information about a business or organization to the public? Are you excited by the chance to hone your ability to build relationships with others for the benefit of the world and those in it? The minor in public relations is an interdepartmental minor, shared by the Fermanian School of Business, the Department of Literature, Journalism, Writing, and Languages, and the Department of Communication Studies. You can look forward to classes aimed at refining your communication and writing skills, including courses in marketing, persuasion, and journalism. (21 UNITS)


  • Required Courses: COM 3030, COM 3040, COM 3090, COM 4005, JRN 2050, JRN 3055, MKT 3032

Anchor 6

If you desire to speak, read, write, and comprehend Spanish, this minor might just be for you. A minor in Spanish is offered to those who wish to complement study in another discipline. Coursework can only approximate a bilingual setting and does not necessarily guarantee appropriate language proficiency. Therefore, students are encouraged to immerse themselves in the target language and complete more than the minimum number of language classes. (26 UNITS)


  • Lower Division: SPA 1001, SPA 1002, SPA 2050, SPA 2051

  • Upper Division*: SPA 3000, SPA 3002, & two (2) courses from two (2) different categories below.

    • Literature: SPA 3020, SPA 3080, SPA 4000, SPA 4002, SPA 4037, SPA 4039​

    • Culture: SPA 3010, SPA 3015

    • Linguistics: SPA 3090

  • Exit Interview: Minors must undergo a complete summative evaluation of language skills by way of an exit interview.


​*Note: Students must successfully complete at least nine (9) upper-division units in residence. 

Anchor 7

This interdisciplinary minor is designed to help you develop a broad perspective on the issues and challenges of creation care and acquire skills and tools for personally and collectively addressing those challenges. Sustainability Studies connects expertise in the sciences, humanities, theology, and business as well as requires a sustainability practicum or internship experience. All of the courses in the minor will significantly address sustainability issues from the perspective of their respective disciplines. (19-24 UNITS)


  • Lower Division: ESI 2050 or SOC 2001 & one (1) course from the following: BIO 1002, BIO 1005+1005L

  • Upper Division: BUS 4075, THE 3005 or THE 3070, & two (2) courses from the following.

    • Options: ECO 3015, ESI 4020, HIS 3060, ENG 4046, ENG 4048, MGT 4070, POL 4035, SOC 4035, SOC 4044, ENG 3065

  • Internship, Practicum, or Research Project: An internship*, practicum**, or research project** addressing sustainability


​*Minimum of 40 hours work requirement; may be taken for credit.

**The project must be approved by the Sustainability Studies minor advisor. It may consist of an experience (no formal course credit) with a local NGO or business on a sustainability project, or it may be a for-credit course drawn from any major's internship, research project, or practicum courses.

Anchor 8

The women’s studies minor embodies a commitment to gender equality by addressing gender issues in curriculum and on campus. It aims to combine theory and praxis regarding gender, while encouraging multicultural, cooperative, inclusive, and relational ways of learning. Join students from a wide range of majors in examining important gender issues across a wide variety of academic fields. Classes in the women's studies minor examine the politics of race, class, and gender and the development of feminist theory. You'll be able to choose elective credits from a wide variety of classes that focus on gender and women's issues in literature, history, economics, politics, health, theology, and more. (17 UNITS)


  • Lower Division: POL 1090

  • Upper Division: POL 3030 & a minimum of nine (9) units from the following courses.

    • Options: CHU 3040, COM 3012, ECO 4040, HIS 4077, ENG 3053, NUT 3040, POL 4015, PSY 3060

Anchor 9

A minor in writing will allow you to pursue your passion for written communication and prepare for a lifetime of meaningful work. You will gain creative and advanced writing and editorial skills for the full gamut of careers that need great writers. Additionally, you'll read literature from classical to post-modern times, and approach literary works from a variety of theoretical perspectives to develop critical writing skills. (16-17 UNITS)



  • Lower Division: One (1) course of the following: COM 1075, JRN 2050, ENG 2020

  • Upper Division: 

    • ENG 3065: Professional Writing

    • Three (3) courses from the following: COM 4014*, JRN 3012*, JRN 3014*, JRN 3045*, JRN 3055*, JRN 4040*, ENG 3012, ENG 3015, TRE 4090, ENG 3021, ENG 3022, ENG 3023, WRI 3070*, ENG 4000, ENG 4080*, ENG 4090*

    • Two (2) units from the following: JRN 2015**, JRN 2017**, ENG 2016**


*Course carries a prerequisite.

**Each may be taken more than once (may substitute ENG 4070 for two units of JRN 2015 / ENG 2016 / JRN 2017).

* Before registering, please confirm course times and dates with your advisor, the advising guide, and PLNU Workday.


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